How has interviewing changed over COVID? Well, the short answer is a lot. Here are some thoughts on how to move forward with normal hiring in a not normal time.
Hiring SOP- If you have not done so already. The recruting standard operating procedures (SOP) needs to be modified for COVID times. The candidate experience through the recruiting process is important. Making sure the recruiting team is on the same page, and moving forward in COVID times is essential.
Do we cancel the face-to-face interview? It depends! In my opinion I think a face-to-face still has value. It defiantly has a different look. Perhaps instead of the standard in office meeting, an outside more casual conversation? The interview might be shorter, and more casual. It still would accomplish two important things. It gives peace of mind for both the interviewer and the interviewee and enforces if the candidate is the right choice. Meeting the candidate will let you have a conversation that gives you the insight of the person. Even if that person is remote. If they are local, go for it!
After COVID- With a vaccine in sight as early as winter 2021 it is important recruiting has had conversations with leadership on what the future of your company will look like. If you are remote now, but plan on not making that permanent make sure that is clear in the hiring process and not assumed. Transparency will lead to the right culture fit and long term team success.
What has your company done differently over COVID? What have you learned? We would love to hear.